timestamp1564045200001JavaScript Client Libraryby Ipregistry TeamYou requested, we delivered! The official IpregistryJavascript client library is now available, with caching support and more. The library is written in TypeScript but packaged to work with ES5+. In other words, you can use it with Node...
timestamp1562846400001IPv6 support for API endpointsby Ipregistry TeamIPv6 adoption starts growing quickly. Based on Google reports, almost 30% of the Internet makes use of IPv6. We are happy to announce that IPv6 support for our API endpoint (api.ipregistry.co) has been added this weekend. What does it...
timestamp1562156700001Official Java Client Libraryby Ipregistry TeamWe're proud to announce the availability of the official Ipregistry Java client library, with caching support included! The binaries are available on Maven Central. Please also note the library is licensed under Apache 2. Your...
timestamp1560416400001Browser and Device detection 🔍by Ipregistry TeamThe Ipregistry API can now be used to detect any Browser, Device & OS in Real-Time. Here is an example: https://api.ipregistry.co/user_agent?key=tryout In case you need to retrieve this information for the requester along with IP data...
timestamp1557233580001Selecting API fieldsby Ipregistry TeamYou can now customize API responses by passing in a fields query parameter with a comma separated list of the fields you require. Here is an example: https://api.ipregistry.co/?key=tryout&fields=ip,location.country.code The fields...
timestamp1556196180001Throttling / Rate Limitingby Ipregistry TeamWe are launching in public beta a new feature to throttle / rate limit API key usage per hour. You can manage the feature from the Ipregistry dashboard: https://dashboard.ipregistry.co/keys Please note the feature is in beta and is...
timestamp1552660200001Domain and IP address Whitelistingby Ipregistry TeamIpregistry is now supporting domain and IP address whitelisting. It allows restricting from where your API keys can be used. You can use this feature to protect your API key from quota theft if it is ever exposed or if you use the API...
timestamp1548767400001Bulk Lookup Endpoint 🐋by Ipregistry TeamYou can now lookup up to a 256 IP addresses in one API call! This combined with the general speed of the Ipregistry API means you can geolocate millions of IP addresses very quickly. The feature is available to all users, no matter your...