Product Updates Updates

Service outage ⚠️

by Ipregistry Team
We experienced a service outage starting this morning at 2:27 AM GMT due to somebody who intentionally compromised our systems. The team has worked hard restoring the services. An investigation is in progress to identify what has been...

Uniform region code format

by Ipregistry Team
Region/subdivision codes returned in Ipregistry data sets and API (field location.region.code) are now all based on the ISO 3166-2 standard. If needed, we also provide complete and up-to-date ISO 3166 countries and subdivisions data in...

Updated Affiliate Program

by Ipregistry Team
We've updated our affiliate program. The commission is now 30% on every sale for a year per referral. Besides, the affiliate dashboard is now accessible to all people who have an Ipregistry account:

Rate limiting is out of beta 🔥

by Ipregistry Team
The rate limiting/throttling feature we launched in beta earlier this year, as a mean to limit the number of times end users or anyone IP address can make calls, is now generally available. If you have a need to limit the number of...

Incorrect Email Reports

by Ipregistry Team
Some of you may have received an email reporting the wrong number of weekly or monthly request calls to our API. We apologize for the inconvenience. Be reassured, the issue is now fixed and it was only affecting email reports: your...

Usage Chart Per API Key

by Ipregistry Team
We allow creating multiple API keys to keep different concerns isolated (e.g. projects). Although the dashboard includes a chart that shows the cumulative usage for all API keys, some of you have expressed the need to check usage per API...

Error Code for Bad Inputs

by Ipregistry Team
It has been reported that inputting an invalid request body value for the batch lookup endpoint (using the POST method) was returning an HTTP 500 error. This was not impacting the service but confusing users. We have introduced a new...

Throttling per Client IP

by Ipregistry Team
We've improved our Rate limit/throttling feature. Once enabled, the rate limit feature was limiting the total number of requests that can be made per hour for a given API key. It was possible to have a user that consumes 10,000 look...

IPv6 support for API endpoints

by Ipregistry Team
IPv6 adoption starts growing quickly. Based on Google reports, almost 30% of the Internet makes use of IPv6. We are happy to announce that IPv6 support for our API endpoint ( has been added this weekend. What does it...