It was awaited by most of you. We’ve deployed a big update that brings new data points. Thanks to the hard work we made these last weeks to correlate and analyze data, we are proud to announce new data fields!

The API is returning a new carrier field that includes the carrier name, mcc and mnc as values. When non-null, it means the IP address is used for mobile carrier traffic with high probability.

New data includes also a connection.type field. It enables IP usage classification among business, education, hosting and isp. We provide this information with no extra fees! Besides, the connection field contains a new domain subfield that associates the organization name with a top level domain when available.

Last but not least, the security data includes a is_cloud_provider field. You can use it to identify IP addresses used for hosting purposes (e.g. a node on Google Cloud Platform, Amazon EC2, and more) and thus detect potential attacks.

You can read more in our documentation:

As always, your feedback is welcome!